Corporate Flu Vaccination

Corporate Flu Vaccination available at Peak Pharmacy - Work force in the office needing their flu jabs

Corporate Flu Vaccination Clinics

For 2024 workplace flu vaccination enquiries and booking email us:

Peak Pharmacy can offer corporate workplace flu vaccinations for you and your teams! With our corporate flu vaccine service, our highly trained pharmacists will visit you at your workplace at a time that is convenient for you.

The Workplace Flu Service

Peak Pharmacy has for many years operated off-site flu vaccination programmes administering flu vaccines at local businesses in convenient settings. We visit clients every year in factories, schools and offices, and experience has shown us that the uptake of flu vaccines administered is always higher if the vaccines are administered at work. The aim is to vaccinate as many individuals as possible to ensure the programme is cost-effective and to safeguard your business against flu.

This is what our customers said last year…

“The clinic went amazing and we are really thankful towards the staff who attended, they were fabulous and look forward to booking you again next year”

“Thank you so much for arranging our vaccinations on Friday, *the pharmacist* was lovely and very professional.”

Our Trained Team

Our team is made up of experienced community pharmacists who work in our 150 pharmacies helping members of the public with their medicines and general health needs. Our pharmacists are all registered with the General Pharmaceutical Council and are annually DBS checked for your peace of mind. ID can be made available prior to a clinic.

What to expect

Expect great communication skills and service with a smile when our team comes to your workplace.

You provide us with a room and we’ll do the rest. Prior to the clinic, we will issue you with a booking link to share with your employees and a QR code poster to display. This will enable your employees to book a suitable time within your clinic. This ensures that clinics run smoothly.

What Does It Cost?

Clinic Fee

£120.00 for the first 3 hours (approximately 45 vaccines can be administered in this time).

£30 per hour thereafter. 

Vaccine Cost

Each vaccine administered is £14.00*     

We can also provide NHS Flu vaccines on-site (where applicable) at no further cost to you. Please note that this only applies to clinics taking place after 21st October 2024.

If your site is more than 20 miles from your nearest Peak Pharmacy, there may be additional costs which we can discuss at the time of booking your clinic.

*Please note when you book a clinic you are committing to a minimum of 15 vaccines.

Where Do We Operate?

Peak Pharmacy can provide off-site vaccination services in the following areas:

  • Manchester
  • Staffordshire
  • Derbyshire
  • Nottinghamshire
  • Milton Keynes
  • West Midlands

Why Vaccinate Your Staff?

Influenza, commonly referred to as flu, is an illness that has a significant impact on our economy. A meta-analysis of 289 papers entitled “The Impact of Influenza on Working Days Lost: A Review of Literature” found that individuals diagnosed with an influenza-like illness frequently reported absence from work for a range of 3.7-5.9 days per episode¹. Whilst the data shows just the number of days off sick per individual, the review also highlights the loss of productivity caused by staff returning to work at reduced capacity and the impact this has on the rest of the team.

Extract taken from the National flu immunisation programme 2024 to 2025 letter Updated 12 March 2024 “Flu vaccination remains a critically important public health intervention to reduce morbidity and mortality in those most at risk including older people, pregnant women and those in clinical risk groups. It helps the health and social care system manage winter pressures by helping to reduce demand for GP consultations and the likelihood of hospitalisation.” 3

The Flu Voucher

Priced at £14.00 each, the process is quick and simple!

You will obtain a unique code for your employee to redeem in their local Peak Pharmacy, you will only be invoiced for codes that have been redeemed.

The Flu Virus

The transmission of seasonal influenza typically occurs between November and March each winter with peak numbers of cases occurring in December, January and February. Transmission in the workplace is common and during the first 5 days of illness, it is very easy to spread the virus to other people. The flu virus can even live on hard surfaces for 24 hours. Flu symptoms come on very quickly and generally include the following²:

  • Diarrhoea
  • Difficulty Sleeping
  • Sore Throat
  • Exhaustion
  • A sudden fever (>37.9C)
  • Aches
  • Dry Cough
  • Headache
  • Loss of Appetite
  • Nausea, or Vomiting

Most individuals who develop these symptoms will start feeling better after about 7 days but may take much longer to fully recover. For some individuals, Influenza can be dangerous leading to hospital admissions and occasionally death. This all leads to significant periods of time off work and reduced productivity for the workforce.

The Flu Vaccine

What is the flu vaccine? The flu vaccine is an injection you can have every year to protect you and others from getting influenza also called seasonal flu. The vaccine is usually given every year because many different strains of flu can circulate each winter. It is important to make sure you are protected against the strains that are most likely to be in circulation.

The injection is normally given into the upper arm and administration is generally easy, quick and believe it or not relatively painless. The process is so easy that individuals can get straight back to work after vaccination.

Are there any side effects? Side effects are relatively limited. Common side effects include:

  • Aches and pains
  • Headache
  • Tiredness
  • Local injection site reactions like pain, tenderness and swelling at the injection site
  • Occasionally, individuals will report fevers

The Flu vaccine is NOT a live vaccine. It is for that reason that it is impossible to catch flu from a flu vaccine, but many of the side effects that can occur are also similar to the symptoms associated with flu which were listed earlier. This often leads people to think they got Flu from the flu vaccine which is not the case.

Most side effects listed above are short-lived and are the exception rather than the norm with only around 1 in 10 patients reporting side effects.

What can you do?

Why not get in touch with us now to enquire? Availability is limited and must be booked in advance to ensure we have sufficient stock available.


Looking for a personal flu vaccination? Our community pharmacies can offer this service. Have a read of our Flu vaccinations page or contact your local Peak Pharmacy for more information. 


1 – Keech M, Beardsworth P. The impact of influenza on working days lost: a review of the literature. Pharmacoeconomics. 2008;26(11):911‐924. doi:10.2165/00019053-200826110-00004

2- Flu.

3 - National flu immunisation programme 2024 to 2025 letter Updated 12 March 2024