Common Illnesses In Children

Common Illnesses In Children

As parents, nothing is more distressing than seeing your child fall ill. While some childhood illnesses may require a doctor's visit, many can be effectively managed at home with over-the-counter (OTC) medications. In this Peak Pharmacy Health Guide, we'll explore some of the most common childhood ailments and the treatments available at your local Peak Pharmacy.


Teething is a natural part of your baby's development, but it doesn't have to be a source of endless stress. Teething typically begins around six months of age, although it can vary from one child to another. During this process, your baby's gums may become swollen and tender as teeth push through. Common symptoms of teething include drooling, irritability, chewing on objects, disrupted sleep, and sometimes a slight increase in body temperature.

Gentle gum massaging, teething rings a cold compress can all be used to aid in teething pain. You may also want to consider using teething gels, which contain a mild anaesthetic, which can provide temporary relief from teething pain.

Coughs and Colds

Coughs and colds are frequent occurrences in children, especially during the colder months. For coughs, cough syrups can help suppress coughing and loosen mucus. Nasal Saline sprays are also useful, as they can alleviate nasal congestion. Always be cautious with decongestants and cough medicines for young children and always consult your doctor or Pharmacist before use.


Fevers are often caused by infections. Mild fever symptoms can be treated with over-the-counter medications that contain paracetamol or ibuprofen, which can help reduce fever and help relieve discomfort. Brands such as Calpol and Nurofen for Children are most commonly used, but speak to your Pharmacist first, as they will be able to assist you choosing the right medicine for your child. If you feel the fever is not easing with the use of over the counter medicines, seek medical advice such as NHS 111. As with any medicines, always follow the recommended dosage based on your child's age and weight.

Skin Rashes and Irritations

Whether its babies and toddlers in nappies or young children exploring the outdoors, your child is highly likely to have a skin rash or irritation at some point in their early years. Common childhood rashes like nappy rash, eczema, or insect bites can often be managed with OTC remedies. Barrier creams such as Bepanthen can ease and soothe nappy rash, while products containing hydrocortisone can help relieve itching and inflammation associated with eczema and insect bites.


  • Consult with a healthcare professional if your child's symptoms persist or worsen.
  • Always read and follow the instructions on the medication patient leaflet carefully.
  • Always use the appropriate dosage based on your child's age and weight. Never give more than advised.
  • Be cautious about giving medications to young children and always seek professional advice before administering the medicine to them.

By staying informed and prepared, you can confidently manage your child's health and well-being through those inevitable bouts of illness.

While OTC medications can provide relief for common childhood illnesses, they are not a substitute for professional medical advice. If your child's symptoms are severe or persistent, it's essential to seek guidance from a healthcare professional.

With the introduction of the new NHS Pharmacy First Service, Peak Pharmacy can now treat your child for conditions such as Earache (1-17 years), Impetigo (1+ years), Infected Insect Bites (1+ years), Sinusitis (12+ years) and Sore Throat (5+ years).